
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2018
How to select the perfect pet for you? Cats We tell you the benefits, scientific verified, of taking " a pretty kitty " as a pet. They lower the levels of stress. The purring of the cats has a sonorous frequency that helps to reduce the stress of the owner, and the arterial tension, as indicates a study realized by Annie Stuart of Stanford's University. People who enjoy of being for long periods with his cats, can diminish the effects of sufferings as the anxiety.   They keep the heart healthy. ' Cat lovers '   experience a reduction of risk of death for heart attack of 30 % in comparison to those that don´t have one of these pets. As we said they lower the levels of stress for that reason we believe that they diminish the risk of dying for cardiovascular diseases. And the most important point is that they always make you laugh Why? Because they’re so funny and always find an object to play with. They´re c